The Full Story
Hi! My name is Keith. I'm a 46 year old father of 3 living in North Texas and I have almost fully recovered from PFD, CPPS, HF, PN (like 95%). I created this site because during some of my darkest hours I had no one to turn to. Everyone on the internet (Reddit mostly) was saying they had this condition for years and were beyond hope. I was terrified. Hopeless. After trying countless remedies, stretches, routines, diets, spending thousands on doctors, scans, injections, supplements, and multiple other strange forms of treatment, I was still in absolute agony. At the end of my rope, and to my absolute surprise, I found several very simple corrective exercises that none of my providers recommended, which very effective in reducing my symptoms in a few short weeks.
This is not a grift. I'm not looking to rope you into some magic supplement or paid program. I'll I ask is that you read this, and my blog posts. If you're looking for community, you can find me and several of the guys that I coach on our Discord server, Unbroken Pelvis. So far I've shared the methods that helped me with dozens of men, and many have seen major improvement.
Anyways, here's my story - I hope it brings you hope!
On October 24, 2021, on the way back from a 5 hour road trip, I immediately began feeling a deep, dull, achy rectal fullness. Within two hours I was unable to empty my bladder or pass bowels or gas. I felt like I was sitting on a golf ball, my urine stream was very weak and I had terrible urgency to use the restroom (both). Sitting was absolutely impossible. My pain was between 4-7/10, during all waking hours of the day. Initially thinking it was a prostate infection, my doc put me on a few rounds of antibotics, even though my labs were normal. However, over the next several months, I began experiencing additional symptoms of pudendal neuralgia.
-weak/split stream
-inablity to fully empty bladder
-constant urgency (peeing 30x a day)
-ureter burning, post urination
-bladder pain
-post urine dribble Bowel/rectum:
-thin stools (like a shoelace)
-incomplete evacuation
-constant fullness, even after emptying
-trapped gas
-fullness/swollen prostate
-coccyx pain/tightness
-terrible 10-10 sharp pain when straining to pass bowels
-50% numbness of glans/shaft
-70% loss of erection quality
-hourglass shape/construction
-”detached” sensation -buzzing/static sensation
-testicle ache
-sunken pubic prominence
-discolored glans
-80% loss of orgasm/pleasure/contraction
-sharp pain during ejaculation
-retrograde ejaculation (no semen)
-dull pain post-ejaculation
-post ejaculation dribble
-numb perineum
I was frankly at the point of wanting to end my life. I had been to several doctors, spent thousands on scans. I went to a pelvic floor PT, and that didn't help either (at least, not at the time). I tried all the pills, even pelvic floor injections. Nothing was helping.
In June of 2022, I finally saw a (regular) physical therapist. One who specialized in functional movement assessment and corrective exercise. He was able to determine that my sedentary lifestyle (I basically sat for work 8012 hours a day, and sat when I got home), weak core and weak glutes were causing musculoskeletal imbalances that were making my pelvis “freak out”, and go completely hypertonic. It was this hypertonicity (being driven by core weakness and instability) compressing my pudendal nerve, and creating tension around my levator ani muscles, a-clocks canal and dorsal nerve, causing my symptoms.
Addressing these imbalance took a lot of time and patience. But through corrective exercises, proper core bracing, myofascial (deep tissue), internal work (rectal release, dilation), breathing exercises, understanding the autonomic nervous system and controlling its response (fight or flight vs rest and digest), and reverse kegels (pelvic expansion/relaxation techniques), I was able to begin recovery. TIMELINE: I began noticing a slight reduction in symptoms within the first few days, while doing corrective exercises only. After 6-8 weeks my worst symptoms (rectal fullness/penile pain) were cut in half. I seriously had my life back! Over the next 8 months I continued the program (albeit lazily) and before I knew it, I hadn't had any discomfort for days on end.
Sitting is still slightly inconvenient. Since I slacked off on therapy, whenever I sit for more than 2 hours, I'll get that rectal fullness sensation, which only lasts for a few hours, then dissipates. I'll occasionally get random shooting pains to my penis, and sometimes feel a little sore after sexual activity. Other than that, all my my functionality came back. No more numbness, ED, HD or any other symptom. I have to be careful not to strain when passing bowels.